Tragedy Is Not Opportunity

2Sam 1:5-17

Synopsis     2Sam 1:5-17     11/12/2018

David was back in Ziklag. And soon, a young man came to him with news from the battle of Mount Gilboa. He reported that King Saul and his son Jonathan were dead.

David wanted to know more. He demanded details from the youth. So, the young man told a story of how he had encountered the mortally wounded King Saul on the mountain. And he recounted how Saul had asked the young man to finish him. Accordingly, the young man reported how he had obliged Saul’s request.

After that, he had stripped Saul’s body of his crown and armlet. The young man, who turned out to be the son of an Amalekite living in Israel, had brought the royal objects to David.

David was incredulous that anyone would strike the Lord’s anointed king. But he seemed particularly incensed that an Amalekite would have such audacity. He commanded his men to put the young man to death for killing the king of Israel.

Saul’s Death  Not Opportunity

The young Amalekite lived in Israel. He was the son of a resident alien.  But he knew enough about the intrigues between Saul and David to understand that David might be the next king.

So, having removed King Saul’s crown and armlet, he didn’t take them to Saul’s relatives. Instead, he brought them to David. He was thinking he might gain David’s favor. Or, he might have even been thinking that David would offer a reward.

But, David wasn’t having it. For him, it was an abomination that anyone might benefit from the tragic end of the Lord’s anointed king.

Tragedy Is Not Opportunity

There is little that violates the solidarity of community more than taking advantage of other people when they are weak.

This is basic. My spirit will never intuitively rejoice when tragedy befalls another.

But the world can be a rat race. And on the rat race, almost anything goes. So here’s my reminder: Taking advantage of another person’s tragedy will never profit in the long term. The harm to my soul will always outweigh the temporary benefit accrued.

“Do not rejoice when your enemies fall, and when they stumble, do not let your heart exult”, Prov 24:17

November 12, 2018

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