Chosen with Gifts and Talents

1Sam 10:10:20

Synopsis     1Sam 10:10-20     9/3/2018

Samuel sent Saul away with his blessing. He had told him a prophecy of what would happen to him the rest of the day. So Saul began his return trip. And, everything that Samuel had said would happen came true.

Upon his return, Saul was questioned about the delay in his search for the donkeys, and why it had taken so long to return. So Saul explained about the unfruitul search. He also mentioned visiting Samuel for assistance.

Saul’s uncle pointedly asked him what Samuel had said. But Saul did not disclose anything about Samuel’s prophecy or anointing.

Several days later, Samuel called all of Israel together once again. The Israelites assembled before the Lord and Mizpah. And Samuel began the process of choosing the promised first king of Israel.

God Chose Saul 

Samuel cast the “lots”. And, God chose Benjamin. In other words, someone from Benjamin would be named king. This would be the cause of wonder for many in Israel. For not that many years before, the tribe of Benjamin had gone to war against the rest of Israel. Benjamin’s losses were almost genocidal. Reportedly, Israel had killed all the Benjamite women and only a few hundred of the men had survived.

So, for the assembled crowd, Benjamin was a strange and unlikely choice. The tribes that typically vied for leadership were Judah, Ephraim and Manasseh. But for Saul, something else was happening. He suspected how this selection would go at the time that Saul called for the convocation. But, something kept him from sharing with anyone else his anointing as king and all that had happened to him.

God Choses With Gifts and Talents

God creates with purpose. Everything that exists, exists with a purpose. We, you and I, are special examples of this.

You are created with a purpose. God gave you a unique set of gifts and talents. And God placed you in a particular place and time. And now, God expects you to do something.

You can pretend that none of this is true. You can pretend that your gifts and talents and circumstances aren’t unique to you. But be careful your attitude. It is a deliberate decision and the ensuing attitude that determines true success in life.

Every subsequent decision for the rest of your life will flow out of  this foundational understanding.

“your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.” Matt 6:10

September 4, 2018

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