Category Archives for Daily Meditation

Strange Fire

Lev 9:21-10:7

Lev 9:21-10:7     7/29/2017

The Lord’s presence is fully revealed in fire coming out from the tent of meeting and consuming the sacrifices. Moments later, Nadab and Abihu make an unprescribed offering and are themselves consumed by fire so that they die.

More than 600,000 men, women and children just observed the miraculous revealing of God in his glory. They are so overwhelmed that they shout with joy and fall prostrate.

600,000 people spontaneously lying face down – overwhelmed at the presence of the Lord.

This is God revealed. We do not chose the manner by which we approach God. The narrow way is given.

“Who can ascend the hill of the Lord? He who has clean hands and a pure heart.”

July 29, 2017

Aaron’s Sacrifice

Lev 9:7-20

Lev 9:7-20     7/28/2017

All of the children of Israel are assembled. They are observing as Aaron performs the sacrifice on their behalf. A strange moment of solidarity and anticipation.

Moses had said that God would somehow reveal himself more deeply. No longer on the mountaintop, but right here in the camp. The close proximity to such extraordinary power was awesome – the cause for reverence but also joyful celebration.

It’s hard imagining this moment. I sacrifice in the same way I go to Taco Bell – in deliberate ignorance that a life was taken so that my life can go on. No getting my hands dirty. Meat, in our time, is a commodity detached from the life that produced it.

Flesh to eat. This last thread that ties me to reality.

“Take and eat; this is my body.”

July 28, 2017

God will Appear

Lev 8:31-9:6

Lev 8:31-9:6     7/27/2017

God requires the ordination rite in order “that the glory of the Lord may appear to you.”

So, sacrifice is prerequisite to the appearance of God’s glory.

The all present – always present – God cannot be denied in the moment of the revelation of His glory.

Of course, He’s always present, closer than a brother, closer than your skin. But His proximity doesn’t force you to be faithful. We still forget that He’s right here in the room. He’s right there with you in everything.

But the revealing of glory is not so deniable.

The good, and the true and the beautiful, seen rightly cannot be denied.

This is Jesus. Good and true and beautiful.

Sacrifice and enjoy the view.

July 27, 2017

Ordination Moments

Lev 8:22-30

Lev 8:22-30     7/26/2017

Moses ordains Aaron and his sons through the sacrifice.

The detail of the work. The order of the sacrifice. Moses was deliberately focused through this process. Giving attention to every detail of God’s command, he remained present and reverent.

Distraction is challenge. In our natural way, our attentions are beholden to whatever interesting thing we encounter. The city lights, the pop up advertisements, the bottomless social pages; The world wants to grab your attention and drag it toward its purposes.

Must sell. Must persuade. Must call to action.

Moving through vanity fair without being dragged off into every curious glimmering is like a camel passing through the eye of a needle.

Where will you find that freedom?

Where will I find that freedom?

And he said, “What is impossible for human beings is possible for God.”


July 26, 2017

Ordination Sacrifices

Lev 8:10-21

Lev 8:10-21     7/25/2017

Moses offers the ordination sacrifices for Aaron and his sons.

In the sacrament, the priest is substantially changed. Though he could be defrocked and separated from the priesthood as an occupation, he could never not be a priest again.

An eternal implication.

It’s a big deal. To minister to the Lord is a big deal.

We say we want to be Jesus’ hands and feet extended. Is that different than wanting to be a participant in his mediating sacrifice on behalf of others?

Sure He is all sufficient. But He chose you to do this.

“let us continually offer God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name” Heb 13:15

July 25, 2017

Aaron’s Dress

Lev 7:34-8:9

Lev 7:34-8:9

The presence of God has been in the tent of meeting. Now begins the ministry of the priest. So Moses washes and dresses his brother Aaron.

Washing and clothing.

Peter said to Jesus, “Lord you shall never wash my feet”. People like to say Peter was slow. I’m not so sure. I think I would still be there protesting.

I am still there protesting.

I am not worthy Lord.

Sometimes it makes me cry.

He washes me and gets me dressed and sends me to work.

July 24, 2017

Communion Offerings

Lev 7:9-19

Lev 7:9-19

The sacrifice must be eaten in order to be accepted. To not eat makes the act null and void. It brings no merit and achieves no credit

It’s a curious thought; the cosmological ledger that records my credits. It was said of Abraham that he believed and “this was credited to him as righteousness”. So the sacrifice is like that. The sacrifice is like belief. The sacrifice is belief.

Giving the thing that you cannot keep to buy what can’t be lost – rationally doesn’t seem like it should be challenging. And yet it’s everything in me.

This way of givenness.

July 21, 2017

Reparation Offerings

Lev 6:18-7:8

Lev 6:18-7:8

It’s interesting to think how the operation of the temple sacrifice positioned the priest within the community.

The job of the priest was to mediate relationship with the community and God. And for this sometimes grisly work, they were richly compensated with the meat and the hides of the best animals in the community.

Since they were not to inherit the land, this was their income. These resources positioned the priests within the community as the center of commerce and culture.

As a disciple of Christ, God means for you to participate in this role of mediation, culture and commerce. If you embrace this role, he has promised to equip you for every good work.

Be not afraid. You have all you need.

“Be not afraid, I go before you always”

July 20, 2017

Grain Offering

Lev 6:7-18

Lev 6:7-18

The offering on behalf of another is shared. Part is burned as God’s portion, the rest consumed.   The sacrifice offered on behalf of another is shared.

The joy of a priest is in seeing a person restored to relationship with God. Mediator.

We are all sometimes mediators as we encounter people who believe they are powerless, or people who believe they should be able to control everything. People who have cried their eyes shut. People whose eyes have never seen.

We encounter them daily. Are they the better for it?

July 19, 2017

Daily Burnt Offering

Lev 5:24-6:6

Lev 5:24-6:6

The fire on the altar of sacrifice is to be kept burning continuously. This isn’t the sacrifice. This is prerequisite.

Constantly a demand for firewood to keep the fire going. Daily, the removing of ashes.

A daily devotion. A rhythm. A being tied to the earth. A fire given.

Feed the fire.

July 18, 2017