Servant of the People

Handwritten page from the first book of Kings chapter 12 verses 1 through 11.
1Kings 12:1-11

Synopsis     1Kings 12:1-12     5/2/2019 

Solomon had a son named Rehoboam. And so, when Solomon died, Rehoboam became the new king. Immediately, he went to Schechem. And all of the leaders of Israel met him there for his coronation. 

While Israel was assembled, the tribal leaders approached Rehoboam. They asked him to reduce the burden that Solomon had placed on them. And they promised that if he reduced the burden, the tribes would gladly serve him. 

Rehoboam sought counsel from Solomon’s advisers. And they advised him to heed the request. They urged him to reduce the burden on the people. But afterward, he also sought the counsel of his friends with whom he had grown up. Unfortunately for Rehoboam, they advised him to impose an even harsher burden than his father.

Rehoboam chose the advice of the younger men. And so, he informed the tribal leaders what they could expect from him as king.  

Servant of the People 

Rehoboam had a simple choice. Either he could be the servant of all. Or, he could try to be the tyrant over all. In other words, he could create value for the people. Or, he could attempt to use the people to satisfy his personal desires. 

It’s was a stark choice. And it’s clear to see that Rehoboam could not fathom the implications of his decision. 

Value Creating Servant 

Of course, it’s still a stark choice. 

The Way of Love calls me to see the other as a person. It calls me to value the other as a person. It calls me to creatively contribute to the success of others even before I consider my own success. 

This is what I was made for. This is my essence. And most importantly, this is the way of my Savior. 

“But it shall not be so among you. Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant” Matt 20:26 

May 2, 2019

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