What To Do With the Evil of Any Priest

Synopsis     1Sam 2:19-27     8/13/2018

Hannah and Elkanah continued to travel to the annual feast. Each year, Hannah brought a new garment for Samuel. As they left the feast each year, Eli always made a point of blessing both Hannah and Elkanah for their willingness to dedicate Samuel to the Lord’s work.

Meanwhile, Eli rebuked his sons because of the scandal they had brought to the priesthood. But Eli’s sons disregarded his concerns. Yet, Samuel continued to grow in the esteem of both God and men.

What To Do With The Evil of Ancient Priests?

Eli’s sons brought scandal because of their greed and debauchery. Only Eli was himself a glutton. And so, his sons disregarded his rebukes.

But still, this is God’s Holy Tabernacle. The first sons of Aaron were consumed by God’s holy fire because they brought a “strange fire” before the Lord. They did not carry out the letter of the law concerning ritual sacrifice and were killed for it.

How do I square the quietness of God? These priests acted out of utter, selfish, indifference towards God. Why weren’t they likewise consumed by fire?

What To Do With The Evil of Any Priest

It is said that “familiarity breeds contempt.” The reality of most any profession is that even complex processes can become routine. And, as a matter of routine, they can begin to lose meaning.

It’s creates a silent danger. Who hasn’t had the experience of failing to pay attention while driving? Or, who hasn’t carelessly operated a machine?

But as Christ followers, we operate in the presence of God. At mass. In the Sacrament of the Moment. And even this can become routine. And therein lies the danger. Without care, we come to the place where the presence of God is functionally meaningless.

Because, behind the subtle, nihilist sense of any experience of meaninglessness is the question of whether anything really matters. And when nothing really matters, then there is no cause for restraint.

If you want to save priests from committing the horrendous abuses of our age, then find and revere the presence of God in the Eucharist. Find and revere God in the everyday moments of your life.

Anyone can be weak for a moment, but not everyone will be weak forever. This is one power of the Authentic Community of God

You hate discipline; you cast my words behind you!…  When you do these things should I be silent? Do you think that I am like you? I accuse you, I lay out the matter before your eyes.” Psalm 50:21

August 13, 2018

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