Natural Law and the Wisdom of a Dandelion

Ruth 1:8-18

Synopsis     Ruth 1:8-18     7/31/2018

Elimelech died. And Mahlon died. And then Chilion died. So, Naomi was alone with the Moabite wives of her two dead sons. It was grim. And, the only ray of hope in this dim circumstance was the news that the famine had ended in Bethlehem.

So, Naomi prepared to return home.

Dutifully, the daughters-in-law professed their fidelity. But Naomi knew she could offer neither woman anything but hardship. Of  course, she released them to return to their mother’s houses and their old ways.

So, Orpah accepted the release and left Naomi. It was the practical thing to do.

But Ruth wouldn’t leave. Her devotion couldn’t be discouraged. And so Naomi took Ruth back to Bethlehem.

Ruth Out of the Moabites

It’s the shocking unlikeliness of the story that catches everyone off guard. A Moabite woman – despised because of the way the Moabites treated the Israelites in the exodus – somehow shows a kind of faithfulness rarely seen amongst God’s chosen people.

Who could have anticipated this? At that moment in time, no one could have anticipated this.

Natural Law and The Wisdom of a Dandelion

But it’s in us all – the natural moral law. God’s order in creation. It informs us. It speaks through our conscience. It’s close at hand. And, it’s available to all.

If you ever doubt the persistence of the moral law, then observe a dandelion in the gravel. The wisdom of a dandelion is that it grows most anywhere. It takes whatever soil it’s given and somehow puts down roots. And it somehow grows. And it somehow flowers and fulfills its purpose.

There’s no soil that can forever resist the spirit of a dandelion. There’s no soul that can forever resist the Spirit of God.

So whether it’s a dandelion growing out of a crag in the rock, or Ruth clinging to Naomi, or me finally letting God have His way in my heart – it’s a surprising joy. And, it always takes my breath away.

For when the Gentiles who do not have the law by nature observe the prescriptions of the law, they are a law for themselves even though they do not have the law. They show that the demands of the law are written in their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even defend them” Rom 2:14

July 31, 2018

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