Appointment of Elders

Deuteronomy 1:8-19

Deuteronomy 1:8-19         1/13/2018

Moses reminisced about the early part of the exodus. He recounted how he had set judges over the people because he could not handle all of the disputes. He also recounted the harrowing journey from Horeb toward the Promised Land of Canaan.

Contentious Children

According to Moses, the children of Israel were contentious. As the leader, the people looked to him to judge between those in a dispute. But there were so many disputes, that Moses ended up designating 70 other tribal leaders to serve as judges. He only took on the cases that the other judges did not feel that they could handle.

With so many people, so tightly packed into such a small camp, disputes were inevitable. People contending for property or rank or whatever; they were striving to ensure they got their fair-share, that they got what they deserved.

Being Right or Being Successful

The need to be right. I know this need. To argue about nothing in order to prove that I’m not wrong – that I understand. To dominate and crush every opposing viewpoint in order to show that I know what I’m talking about. To alienate friends and family because being “right” has become more important than being kind, or hospitable – this is the challenge.

The need to be right. A curse. Accursed need. Pride.

The scripture says, “Why not rather put up with injustice?” But I can’t do that if allowing the other to prevail would destroy my identity. My pride isn’t easily persuaded to lay down its life. No wonder when it sees the prospect of a lost argument it perceives a fatality more deadly than a mortal blow to the body.

A solution

What do I really want? Happiness? Pleasure? Satisfaction?

All important things I suppose. But Jesus taught the thing that matters most is love. And this because love is transcendent and gives meaning that is also transcendent. It attaches and connects my story with the greatest story ever told.

Beyond pride, in love my identity is subsumed in the One who is love.

“And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing.” 1 Cor 13:2

January 13, 2018

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