Levite Praise for God

Handwritten page from the book of Nehemiah chapter 9 verses 6 through 17.
Nehemiah 9:6-17

Synopsis     Nehemiah 9:6-17     8/5/2020 

In Jerusalem, an assembly convened for a solemn assembly. The people came in mourning cloths. And together, they recommitted themselves to serving God alone. And they committed to separating themselves from the non-Israelite people who lived around them.  

With this, the Levites who led the assembly began crying out praise to God. And they recounted God’s miraculous faithfulness to the sons of Israel.  

Praise for God 

The Levites led the people in shouts of praise for God. But their praises were not merely exclamations of God’s virtuous qualities. Instead, their praises recounted the salvation story of God’s faithfulness to His Chosen People.  

The praise of the Levites was loud and in context. 

My Praise for God 

My praise is not different. Loud is OK. And recounting the good things that God has done for me and my ancestors is still the best context.  

“Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; cry out to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms.” Psa 95:1-2 

August 5, 2020

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