You Were Made To Be Fearless

2Sam 10:10-19

Synopsis     2Sam 10:10-19     12/7/2018 

King David sent the army of Israel against kingdom of Ammon. So, Joab led the army to the city of Ammon. And there he encountered not only the Ammonite army, but also Arameans forces.  

The Arameans had positioned themselves in a pincer. As a result, Joad found himself trapped between the two forces. In front, the Ammonite forces who were arranged in front of their city gate. Behind him were the Aramean forces.  

Joab split control of the forces with his brother Abishai. Immediately, he ordered Abishai to attack the Ammonites in the direction of their city. But Joab led the charge against the Arameans.  

Joab was successful. And the Arameans fled. When the Ammonites saw that the Arameans had quit, they quickly retreated to the walls of their city. As a result, the Arameans suddenly recognized they were subject to attack. So they mustered all their forces. In response, David led the entire Israelite army to a great victory by defeating the Arameans on the battle field. 

Joab Lived in the Present 

The Ammonites and Arameans had surrounded Joab with a large army of enemy soldiers. He recognized the danger. But he didn’t show fear. He trusted in God. Made a plan. And attacked with all his might.   

You Were Made to Be Fearless 

I like to make the distinction between fear and anxiety. Fear is the brain response I feel when something poses an imminent threat to my life or my body. And anxiety is a similar brain response that happens in the absence of an actual threat. 

But no matter, I wasn’t made to be afraid.  

God did not intend that I should live in fear.  

Of course, trust is the antidote for debilitating fear – or anxiety. Especially anxiety.   

And this is what creates the peculiar advantage available to Christ-followers. You don’t have to be afraid. If you love Him, then Jesus really does have you.  And when you trust Him, you can lay that fear down. And when the fear response of your brain isn’t dominating your mental life – everything else works like it was intended.  

“Though an army encamp against me, my heart does not fear; Though war be waged against me, even then do I trust.” Psalm 27:3

December 7, 2018

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