Wisdom, Materials, Blessings

Handwritten page from the first book of Kings chapter 3 verses 9 through 19.
1Kings 3:9-19

Synopsis     1 Kings 3:9-19     3/4/2019 

Solomon received wisdom from the Lord. But, God gave him wisdom because he recognized that he needed clear insight in order to lead the nation. 

And, because he valued wisdom above every other thing, God also gave him other material blessings. These included wealth, power and a long life. 

So, Solomon returned to Jerusalem. And once there, he went to the tent of meeting. And he offered sacrifices. In addition, he celebrated by giving a feast for all his servants.  

Solomon’s Wisdom and Blessings 

Solomon received wisdom because he needed it to rule effectively. But as he made wise decisions, other kinds of blessings seemed to naturally flow into his life.  

Wisdom, Materials, and Blessings 

Wisdom is a peculiar blessing because the effective use of every other kind of blessing requires wisdom. So, wisdom has a multiplying effect. Instead of simply consuming material blessings, there is tendency to make them grow.  

God has promised that if I seek for wisdom, then it will be found. And, of course, this promise is not unique to Solomon, or to any specific person. God has promised wisdom to anyone who seeks it. 

So, let’s ask God for wisdom. And in that way, we might more fully enter into the possibility of our lives.   

“Long life is in her right hand, in her left are riches and honor;” Prov 3:16 

March 4, 2019

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