The Way of Lot

Gen 19:29 - 38

Gen 19:29 – 38

Lot is a challenge to me. He has made every appropriate decision in his life. One could almost say he was prudent. At the point where his wealth and Abraham’s wealth conflicted, he was given the choice: the valley or the hill country. He did not defer to Abram, and took for himself the best of the land. Self-interest guided him.   What else should he do? It was a reasonable decision.

He moved his family into the community of Sodom and when that community came to war, he was captured and enslaved along with his family. Rescued and restored by Abraham, he did not consider returning to the protection of his uncle, but returned to his former place in the community – his wealth and place intact. A prudent decision driven by appropriate self-interest.

We can’t say he was unrighteous – he unknowingly did well to entertain and protect angels. Prudence again.

In salvation from the destruction of Sodom, Lot escaped as one through a fire. Living in a cave, apparently believing that all had ended and they alone survived, his daughters surveyed the situation and made a reasonable decision driven by appropriate self-interest. They kept the line going. Like so often the case for their father, their plan worked. The exact outcome they hoped for was achieved.

But somehow it sticks – the offspring of prudence is incest? Something is not right. I did not chose this. No one would want this for a legacy. And so I ask the mirror – How do I so often find myself so far away from the person I intend to be?

October 3, 2016

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