The Authentic Community and the Political Community

1Sam 8:1-12

Synopsis     1Sam 8:1-12     8/26/2018

Samuel grew old. As he did, he appointed his sons as judges over Israel. But like Eli, his sons did not follow the Lord. So, the elders of Israel gathered with Samuel and asked him to appoint a king.

Samuel felt rejected. His ministry would be the last to judge Israel. It was the end of an era that had begun with Moses and Joshua. But God consoled Samuel. He reminded him that the people had rejected not Samuel alone, but God’s way of ruling.

They Wanted a King

God directed Samuel to remind the people of the implications of their request. The king would change everything. He would take their children away from their farms and businesses. He would make them a part of a permanent army.

God did this deliberately. Otherwise, the Israelites would eventually cry out against God. When they realized what they had demanded, they would blame God for not warning them. Or they would blame their king for doing what kings ought to do.

The Authentic Community and the Political Community

This was a huge moment in history. Not just the history of Israel, but the history of the world. God’s Authentic Community was subsumed under the synthetic forces of social contract politics. It has never since been freed again.

So now, Christ-followers everywhere find themselves as dual citizens. Our first home is the transcendent Authentic Community; a measure in heaven, and a measure on earth. Our dual association is here, with some synthetic, social contract that we were most likely born into.

But in all of this, God is not surprised. More than that, it is a clear part of His plan. For we cannot all be biologically the children of Abraham – nor would that satisfy God’s purpose or plan.

Your job, Christian, is to bring your synthetic brothers and sisters into the possibility of an authenticity and sense of community that they could scarcely believe is possible in this or any life.

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendant, heirs according to the promise” Gal 3:28-29

August 26, 2018

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