Standards, Equity and Justice

Deuteronomy 25:11-26:2

Synopsis     Deuteronomy 25:11-26:2     3/13/2018

Moses made decrees concerning the need to use fair weights and measures. He also demanded that Israel repay Amalek for mistreating the Israelites during the exodus from Egypt. He established a curious rule concerning a wife who intervenes should her husband become involved in a fight. Finally he established the requirement to give the first fruits of produce from the land as an offering to the Lord in the place God established for the tabernacle in the Promised Land.

Standards, Equity and Justice

It’s the double standard. It’s the disposition to take advantage of the other. I want to get a little more value than I’m due –  to give a little less than I owe.  Entitlement. Self-justification. Looking out for number 1. It all comes pretty naturally.

But God seems to hate it. It’s not love. It’s not His nature.

His passion is for equity. His eyes search for a heart trained to recognize value at its core. Who will see and respond to the deepest value? Who will perceive the immeasurable value invested in the being of the most ordinary man – this is the ultimate mark of a child of God. Recognizing this is true justice. Seeing the other is the beginning of authentic love.

The apostle observed that the whole of creation awaits in eager anticipation for the revealing: Who will live like this? Who will be a child of God?

“Varying weights, varying measures, are both an abomination to the LORD.” Prov 20:10 

March 13, 2018

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