Slaves to Fear

Ex 14:8-16

“Were there no graves in Egypt….?” At the prospect of pain, the Israelites blamed Moses for their plight. This is what slaves do; they blame. This the single most worthless activity in which any human being can engage. Blame and self-absolution from responsibility change nothing except it gives the illusory satisfaction that “at least I was right”.

Is it better to be right than successful?

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob longed for their children to be free to worship God and to fulfill their potential in the land that God had promised to them.

The Israelites were born to show the world a different possibility – a different way of living. Cleaving this authentic way of life away from that which men can do in ignorance of God was the war they were called to.

It is still the fight we are called to.

Will you fight? Will you resist the temptation to blame? Will you respond in faith and love and let that be your life’s testimony – your reason for being?

April 11, 2017

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