Repentance Means to Turn From Sin

2Sam 12:11-20

Synopsis     2Sam 12:11-20     12/14/2018 

Nathan the prophet spoke in the name of the Lord. He pronounced to David the punishments God intended as a consequence of David’s sin with Bathsheba. These included humiliations, a curse on his family line, and the death of the child that Bathsheba had borne.  

David pleaded with God to spare the child. And he kept a total fast and prayed in sackcloth for seven days in this hope. In fact, his advisors worried that he might harm himself if the child died. However, when the child died, David broke his fast and washed. And then he returned to his duties.  

David Repented 

David repented. In other words, he recognized the evil he had done. Besides that, he recognized that he never wanted to fail God like this again.  

He also recognized that his misdeeds had injured other people. Not-the-least of these was his son, who was dying because of David’s sin. David was sobered by this failure and committed to healing his relationship with God. 

Repentance Means to Turn From Sin 

It’s legitimate to dread the consequences of sin. It’s painful to experience the losses that my sins invariably bring into my life. And it’s even more dreadful to contemplate the possibility of eternal damnation in hell.  

But the real damage is that my sins offend God – the God of all creation and the Savior of my soul.  

“O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love.” The Act of Contrition Prayer

December 14, 2018

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