Reparation Offerings

Lev 6:18-7:8

Lev 6:18-7:8

It’s interesting to think how the operation of the temple sacrifice positioned the priest within the community.

The job of the priest was to mediate relationship with the community and God. And for this sometimes grisly work, they were richly compensated with the meat and the hides of the best animals in the community.

Since they were not to inherit the land, this was their income. These resources positioned the priests within the community as the center of commerce and culture.

As a disciple of Christ, God means for you to participate in this role of mediation, culture and commerce. If you embrace this role, he has promised to equip you for every good work.

Be not afraid. You have all you need.

“Be not afraid, I go before you always”

July 20, 2017

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