
Ex 12:13-20

It is unusual in my experience to enter into an event knowing that it is of such import that it should be commemorated in a particular way. It’s perhaps like a bride determining prior to the wedding the manner in which every anniversary should be celebrated.

Yet this is the way of Passover. It’s an anniversary celebration that has been determined prior to the event itself taking place.

What’s more common is the admonition, usually by someone more experienced in life, to savor deeply some event that is about to happen. Perhaps a day of competition, or the completion of some training, the conferring of a degree of accomplishment or the purchasing of a first home: we are reminded to remember.

“This too I get to experience”… an author once wrote. The good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the truth and the mistaken; they all combine to form the story, and even the meaning, of my life – if I remember

March 31, 2017

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