Remain Teachable

2Sam 6:6-16

Synopsis     2Sam 6:6-16     11/26/2018     

David longed to bring the presence of God to Jerusalem. So, he made provisions to transport the ark of God to his new capital city. He and the priests began transporting the Ark on a cart drawn by oxen. This was the way that the Philistines had sent back the Ark after its capture decades earlier.   

Along the way to Jerusalem, a priest named Uzzah saw the Ark beginning to tip. So, he reached out and touched it. His intent was to steady it. But tragically, God immediately struck him dead. This confounded and frustrated King David. And uncharacteristically, David began to feel afraid of God. He stopped the procession and left the ark at the house of a man named Obed-edom.  

But, the presence of God brought blessings to Obed-edom. And, after several months, David heard about the blessings and decided to try again. This time, he followed the prescription of the law of Moses and transported the Ark with the priests carrying it. Finally, he successfully brought the Ark to Jerusalem. 

David Was Teachable  

David had an agenda. He wanted the Ark of God in Jerusalem. And he was frustrated and angry when things didn’t go the way he wanted. David is shown to be very human in this regard. He showed his frustration. And in his frustration, he even quit the situation entirely.  

But David was teachable. When the report came back that blessings had descended on the house of Obed-edom, David realized that God wasn’t angry with him. Instead, something else was the matter. And so, he led the priests in a second effort that proved to be successful.  

I Must Remain Teachable 

It isn’t necessarily easy to be teachable. And this is all the more true for someone who has enjoyed great success. In fact, it takes real, overt effort to evaluate circumstances and remain open to improving my processes. It takes commitment to honestly judge my outcomes and accept responsibility for my failures. 

But if I do, then a whole new world of improvement becomes available to me.  

“If we say, “We are without sin,” we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1John 1:8

November 26, 2018

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