Pay It Forward: The Relational Power of Gifting

Ruth 3:14-4:4

Synopsis     Ruth 3:14-4:4     8/6/2018

Boaz sent Ruth away from the threshing floor. When he did, he filled her shawl with barley. Ruth returned to Naomi and described the events.

Boaz intended to settle the matter that day. Naomi understood his intentions. So, the two women waited while Boaz went to the city gate.

Don’t Show Up Empty Handed

Boaz was sensitive that Ruth should not return to Naomi empty-handed. He wanted to ensure that she had something tangible to give to her mother-in-law. So he gave Ruth six measures of barley.

The Relational Power of Gifting

People transfer value in three ways:

  1. Value Extraction – one person just takes whatever they want from others without making any effort to give value in return.
  2. Value Exchange – both trade partners give value and both receive some valuable good in return.
  3. Gift – one person gives to another without any expectation of receiving a valuable good in return.

A true gift is always a work of absolute, authentic, love. Such a gift blesses and facilitates the success of the recipient. There’s no utility in it for the giver. Yet, for the recipient, the value is in more than the gift given. If I receive a true gift, the value is the gift given plus the knowledge that I am truly loved. And when that happens; the natural inclination of the human heart is to pay it forward – to also become a gift giver – to also love.

So, when the only possible return is the joy of participating in someone else’s success, then you’re not far from the possibility of the moment – and the possibility of your life.

“Then he said to the host who invited him, “When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have repayment.” Luke 14:12

August 6, 2018

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