Rebekah leaves everything for Isaac

Gen 24:52-66

Gen 24:52-66

What caught my attention was Rebekah’s capacity for the present. In about the same amount of time that it took for angels to visit Lot at Sodom, Abraham’s servant visited Rebekah and her family.

Both women were visited by mysterious travelers. Both gave hospitality. Both were suddenly called to leave everything.

Lot’s wife was called to leave everything in order to preserve her family. Unfortunately she allowed those things that had been, along with her expectations of what should be, to force her out of the present. In that moment she looked back into the past and the possibilities of her life ended.

Rebekah’s call was to leave everything in order to become Isaac’s wife. It was decided – she decided. She agreed to this and she never looked back. She declined the opportunity for ten days of nostalgia. She entered into her future by remaining in the present.

How Mary-like is this disposition. To be ready for the unexpected from God and to respond willingly and entirely.

Be ready and be present.

October 17, 2016

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