Purim: Persian-Jewish Feast

Handwritten page from the book of Esther chapter 8E verse 18 through chapter 9 verse 2.
Esther 8E:19-9:2

Synopsis     Esther 8E:18-9:2     11/26/2020 

Mordecai wrote King Ahasuerus’ response to the edict written by Haman. In it, the king authorized the Jews to defend themselves against those who hated them. And, because God had reversed the genocide planned against His chosen people, they were to celebrate.  

In fact, Mordecai mandated that both Jews and Persians of goodwill celebrate this feast.  

So, the king ensured this message was widely and rapidly distributed throughout the empire. And the Jews living there received the message’s good news with great joy. 

Accordingly, on the thirteenth day of Adar, in accordance with the two edicts, the Jews defended themselves. Specifically, the Jews slaughtered anyone who attempted to attack them.  

Purim a Persian-Jewish Feast 

Purim is the feast that celebrates Jewish salvation from this ancient attempted genocide. According to Mordecai’s edict, King Ahasuerus’ mandated both Jews and Persians to celebrate this feast.  

True Christian Success is Human Success 

A Christian cannot claim true success unless the value he or she creates is available for the common good.  God spoke to Abraham, “All nations will be blessed through you.” 

“When the just flourish, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Prov 29:2 

November 27, 2020

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