
Num 14:25-35

Num 14:25-35         11/16/2017

God responded to the Israelites’ faithlessness by condemning the first generation to death in the wilderness over the course of forty years of wandering. Also, He promised that the second generation would survive to enter into Canaan.

Caleb and Joshua. The exceptions. The exceptional scouts. There’s always a remnant. The few faithful amongst a generation that has proven itself faithless. God always provides for a remnant.

But I’m not Caleb or Joshua. I’ve been faithless. I have been frightened. I have been filled with pride, and envy and wickedness, and every kind of moral failing. What do I have to do with remnant?

How can I not be beyond saving?

God is the God of eternity, but He is also the God of moments. Epics come from episodes. A journey comes from many steps.

God is the God of eternity but you are only given moments. You are gifted with a new episode. Today you have the opportunity to take another step – whether you deserve it or not.

This is what it means to receive as given.

No matter every step that has already been taken; No matter every story about you that has already been written; No matter every moment that has already been missed; in grace God continues to give.

“a dimly burning wick he will not quench” Isa 42:3

November 16, 2017

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