Ordination Moments

Lev 8:22-30

Lev 8:22-30     7/26/2017

Moses ordains Aaron and his sons through the sacrifice.

The detail of the work. The order of the sacrifice. Moses was deliberately focused through this process. Giving attention to every detail of God’s command, he remained present and reverent.

Distraction is challenge. In our natural way, our attentions are beholden to whatever interesting thing we encounter. The city lights, the pop up advertisements, the bottomless social pages; The world wants to grab your attention and drag it toward its purposes.

Must sell. Must persuade. Must call to action.

Moving through vanity fair without being dragged off into every curious glimmering is like a camel passing through the eye of a needle.

Where will you find that freedom?

Where will I find that freedom?

And he said, “What is impossible for human beings is possible for God.”


July 26, 2017

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