Nehemiah’s Determination

Handwritten page from the book of Nehemiah chapter 3 verse 32 through chapter 4 verse 8.
Nehemiah 3:32-4:8

Synopsis     Nehemiah 3:32-4:8     7/15/2020  

Nehemiah came from Susa with the blessing, support and direction of King Artaxerxes. His mission was to rebuild the city of Jerusalem.   

 And so, he roused the people to rebuild the walls of the city. As they did, the local magistrates attempted to stop the Jews. At first, the magistrates mocked the project in an attempt to discourage the Israelites. Later, they attempted to invade the project and kill some of the workers in order to frighten the Jews away.   

 But God protected the people. Specifically, the Israelites who lived near the magistrates overheard the plans. And they gave warning to the Jews in the city. As a result, the Jews armed themselves. After this, the laborers kept their weapons at hand even when they were working.  

 Jewish Determination in Adversity  

 Under Nehemiah, the Jews who committed to rebuilding the city met the challenge. When threatened with physical harm, they remained steadfast. And, they armed themselves. They put their adversaries on notice that they were willing to fight.  

 Of course, the magistrates could not risk a fight. Such an act would have been in open revolt against King Artaxerxes. So, in the end, they yielded to the Israelite construction project. 

 Determination in Adversity 

God has given each of us purpose and mission. But very often, when I begin to act on my mission, adversity shows up in my circumstances. And my natural tendency is to shrink away and avoid the confrontation.  

But God commands a different approach. So, if the forces of the evil threaten the thing I know that God has called me to do, then its time to arm-up and resist.  

 Of course, as a Christian, my weapons are not the same as the weapons of this world. And yet, my determination must be no less than a fully armed Israelite determined to rebuild his wall. 

“For the weapons of our battle are not of flesh but are enormously powerful, capable of destroying fortresses” 2Cor 10:4 

July 16, 2020

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