Life of Sacrifice

Lev 3:6-17

Lev 3:6-17

Touching the head of the sacrifice as it is being slaughtered. It’s hard to touch something that’s alive without knowing that its alive. It’s an almost innate ability that we have, to recognize the difference between that which is alive and that which isn’t.

At the mortuary, no amount of makeup can overcome the symptoms of death. The spirit of life is clearly not there.

Life is just that manifest. We have the intuitive sense of it.

Life and Death.

It is written that the spirit of God animates us; that in Him we live and move and have our being.

Thomas Merton once visited Louisville and marveled that all of the people there were shining – yet none of them seemed to know it.

The difference between life and death is the spirit of God.

If you want to see God, then look closely and see Him in the living face of another.

July 10, 2017

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