King David’s Momentum

Synopsis     1Chron 12:16-25     12/25/2019

Before David became king, men from all over Israel came to support him. At the time, He was living in the southern part of the territory of Judah.

When men came to join his forces, he personally met them and admonished them that God will find them out should anyone have come as a betrayer.

As it was, men came from Manasseh and all the other tribes. Finally, there was a vast army at the stonghold.

When King Saul died in battle, David moved his operations to Hebron. And after this, leaders from throughout the kingdom came to David to persuade him to be their king.

King David’s Momentum

Despite King Saul’s jealously and frustration with David, he could not vanquish him. As a result, the people eventually recognized that Saul was powerless to destroy David.

A powerful king’s impotence speaks volumes.

Wise men of that era recognized that the situation between Saul and David was intractable. And, the situation couldn’t go on indefinitely. The momentum was with David. And momentum has a power that attracts additional momentum.

The Momentum of Christ

A powerful king’s impotence speaks volumes. And, despite all this world’s efforts to destroy God, He survives. That is one of the messages of the cross. He has no rival. The momentum belongs to God.

It is written, “Every knee will bow and every tongue confess…”

So, eventually the futility of my self-reliance delusion will shatter. And then I’ll see things for what they really are. Hopefully, my epiphany happens this side of eternity. 

“The LORD is good to those who wait for him, a refuge on the day of distress, Taking care of those who look to him for protection” Nahum 1:7

December 25, 2019

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