Judith’s Plan

Handwritten page from the book of Judith chapter 13 verse 14 through chapter 14 verse 4.
Judith 13:14-14:3

Synopsis     Judith 13:14-14:4     10/31/2020 

Judith and her maid returned from the enemy camp. It was still dark, when they entered Bethulia’s city gates. But a crowd formed around them to see what had happened. 

Almost immediately, Judith reported to the leaders that she had killed Holofernes. As proof, she then showed them the slain general’s head as proof.  

The people were amazed. And they praised God for this extraordinary turn of events.  

Afterward, Judith counseled the people. The second part of her plan was to send a force early in the morning. According to her plan, the force was fully armed. But, the purpose was to feign an attack on the patrol. This would cause the Assyrians to report the attack to Holoferenes. And when they attempted to report the matter, they would find him dead. In this way, she intended to create a panic amongst the Assyrian soldiers.   

It was in this way she believed God would bring victory. 

Judith’s Plan 

Judith realized that simply killing the great general Holofernes was not enough. Instead, she knew that his death would have maximum effect by creating panic. It follows that an attack that caused the general’s direction would have just the desired effect. 

Plan and God’s Plans 

God has a plan and purpose for each human person. And, for those He has saved, he orders their days with the intent of maximizing their sanctification. He is making us ready for eternity.  

But that doesn’t mean that everything is a mystery. Like Judith, God will use the thoughtful plans that you have made to accomplish His purpose.  

“And if prudence is at work who in the world is a better artisan than she?” Wisdom 8:6 

November 2, 2020

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