
Lev 25:4-15

Lev 25:4-15         9/23/2017

A sabbath rest for the fields every seven years. A restoration of property in every fiftieth year.

Jubilee means restoration and liberty. For all those who have lost what was always intended to be their possession.

What have you lost or, through negligence, given away that can’t be redeemed?

The irony of the prodigal is that it felt like freedom when he became a slave – at least until his course was irreversible. But at the time of his liberation from his father’s rule, he felt more free than at any time in his life. Only later did he realize the depth of his enslavement.

Not everyone has to learn this way. There is no requirement to sin. But most of us do. Most of us eventually come to see ourselves as the prodigal.

And when we do, the grace of God suddenly becomes effective. We stand up and return to the One whom we abandoned for the sake of pleasure, or power, or control.

And He receives us and restores us.

September 23, 2017

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