Josiah’s Joyful Returning

Handwritten page from the second book of Chronicles chapter 34 verse 32 through chapter 35 verse 10.
2Chron 34:32-35:10

Synopsis     2Chron 34:32-35:10     5/27/2020 

After the law of Moses was discovered in the Temple, Josiah led all of Jerusalem in repentance. As a result, the people removed their idols and purified the nation of false religion. And, as had been done on numerous occasions in the past, King Josiah reappointed the priests once more.  

After these things, Josiah prepared the city to celebrate the Passover once again. In fact, Josiah hosted a great Passover celebration. To this, he contributed thirty thousand lambs and goats plus three thousand oxen. So, the people celebrated a wonder and joyous Passover in Jerusalem.  

Josiah’s Joyful Returning 

It was a joy for Josiah and the people to repent and return to the Lord. Clearly, they enjoyed celebrating the Passover. But more importantly, they enjoyed reconnecting with their ancestors in the tradition.  

These were the chosen people. Because of the tradition established by God with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, the meaning of Israelite life was tied to this tradition. So, repentance brought them back to the very meaning and significance of their lives. 

Joyful Returning 

My meaning comes from God. So, repentance is both a restoration of my relationship with God and reconnection to the meaning of my life.  

In humility and in sacrament, I come to be renewed. And renewal is joy. 

“For I will slake the thirst of the faint; the appetite of all the weary I will satisfy.” Jer 31:25 

May 27, 2020

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