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【40周年校庆学术活动】学术报告八十三:Efficient Valuation of Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefits with Surrender Risk

时间:2023-11-21 16:24

主讲人 张志民 讲座时间 2023.11.24 15:30-16:30pm
讲座地点 汇星楼514 实际会议时间日 24
实际会议时间年月 2023.11

永利集团304am官方入口学术报告[2023] 083号


报告题目:Efficient Valuation of Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefits with Surrender Risk




报告内容:This paper studies the valuation and surrender risk of the guaranteed minimum accumulation benefit (GMAB) rider in a variable annuity under a L´evy-driven equity market. At each contract renewal date, the insurer updates the policyholder’s account value to the higher of a guaranteed value and the equity-linked investment value. The administration fees are deducted continuously as a fixed percentage from the policyholder’s account. The policyholder is allowed to surrender the contract before maturity and retrieves the surrender benefit after charging a penalty. The surrender decisions are made according to two monitoring mechanisms: (i) the policyholder only makes surrender decisions at renewal dates; (ii) the policyholder makes surrender decisions by (frequently) tracking the account value. With the aid of the dynamic programming approach, optimal surrender strategies are derived, and hence an efficient and accurate valuation problem has been established and solved by the COS method. Numerical experiments illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach and extensive analysis investigates how parameters influence valuation results.




