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【40周年校庆学术活动】学术报告六十二:Flood risk insurance: A micro-economic foundation

时间:2023-09-19 11:00

主讲人 Tim Boonen 讲座时间 2023.09.19 15:00-16:00pm
讲座地点 汇星楼(科技楼)501 实际会议时间日 19
实际会议时间年月 2023.09

永利集团304am官方入口学术报告[2023] 062


报告题目: Flood risk insurance: A micro-economic foundation

报告人:Tim Boonen,副教授,香港大学统计与精算学系

报告时间:2023.09.19 15:00-16:00pm


报告内容:Flood risk has consistently been ranked as one of the major emerging risks, with the potential of having a substantial systemic impact on the insurance industry. In this paper, we provide a micro-economic foundation for a flood risk insurance market. Specifically, we characterize Pareto-optimal risk-sharing contracts in a market with multiple policyholders and one representative insurer. With minimal assumptions on the risk measures of the parties involved, we characterize Pareto optimality in terms of the minimization of a sum of the agents’ risk positions, and we relate it to both the core and coalitional stability of an associated market game. In the special case of coherent risk measures, the optimal indemnity schedules are further characterized in explicit form, in terms of what can be called worst-case probability measures. Finally, we provide a numerical illustration of our results.

报告人简历:Tim Boonen is an associate professor in actuarial science at the University of Hong Kong since June 1, 2023. Before, he worked as assistant and associate professor at the University of Amsterdam from 2013 until 2023. He received his Ph.D. at the Tilburg University. His research interests include mathematical finance, risk-sharing, contract theory, capital allocation, and (applications of) game theory in insurance economics. His work was published in, for instance, ASTIN Bulletin, Demography, Economic Theory, Finance and Stochastics, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, and Mathematics of Operations Research.



