Hand and Forehead

Ex 13:6-16

I cannot make myself have love feelings for God. I cannot force myself into affection. This isn’t a failing. It’s not part of my power – it’s not how the will works.

So give that a rest.

God has this much confidence: should anyone really seek Him out and discover who He is and how He is, then they will fall in love with Him. We are made for this. It is our perfection.

Reflecting on the God narrative – that’s the thing. His faithfulness and kindness and mercy and wisdom born out in history. Jesus came to save you. He came to save us. He won the victory.

We give a ticker tape parade to express our affection for our national champions. Everyone goes home and the memory fades.   Affection to nostalgia to Auld Lang Syne .

But God keeps on saving. Forever the champion, this story isn’t over. WWJD wristbands or phylacteries on the forehead can’t hold it. But reminders, however they function are worthy.

So remember His goodness. Reflect on the story. Cultivate this affection. No human who encounters Jesus Christ as He really is could help but love Him.

April 7, 2017

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