Greatest What If

Ex 15:8-19

The things that you have not yet conquered are afraid of you. In your absence, the promises intended for you are being enjoyed by usurpers who want you asleep, who want you enslaved. If you wake up, they will lose what they have come to regard as their own.

All the world knows how powerful you could be. The ones who want to subjugate you for their own profit are afraid that you will wake up and take possession of what has always been yours. They want you asleep. They want you ignorant. They want you unfree.

This is what it really means to lose the war.

It may be bloodless but the death is worse than a pierced heart.

Wake up. Your power is in fearlessly living this moment. What is given and from that, what might be.   The greatest “What If”.

April 14, 2017

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