Golden Calf

Ex 32:1-10

Ex 32:1-10

Every human being has the need to make sense of their circumstances. We choose, usually involuntarily, a point of departure from which everything else in our lives can be interpreted. This point of departure is a kind of faith.

We need this.

If we can’t find it, then our minds will impose it. If we can’t find the one, true God; then we will make one of our own choosing.

I’ve observed this in my life: Usually the god’s of our own choosing are more amenable to our tastes and preferences.   Because they are fictions imposed on reality, they help us serve ourselves in the way that we wish to be served – or else they are discarded as worthless.

In precisely the same way that I can live with my wife and say that I love her and care for her, yet still totally objectify her by viewing her from the perspective of how I can be served by her; I view the gods of my own making as objects.

“I made you – perform.”

For your sake, the God of all Creation will not suffer this nonsense forever.

Human dullness is pathetic. Worthy of pity.

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

June 7, 2017

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