The God Opportunity Is To Get Onboard


1Sam 4:20-5:7

Synopsis     1Sam 4:20-5:4     08/20/2018

Phinehas was a priest and the son of Eli. He was a married man. And, he died carrying the Ark of God into the battle of Aphek. Soon enough, his wife heard the news that the Ark of God was lost in battle. What’s more, she heard the report that both her husband and Eli were dead. So, she proclaimed, “Gone is the glory from Israel”. Now, she was pregnant and immediately went into labor. Her son survived but she died from the labor and grief.

The Philistines transferred the Ark of God to Ashdod. And they placed it inside the temple of their god Dagon. But the image of the false god could not stand in the presence of the God of Israel. So, it literally kept falling over. Also, the people of Ashdod began to experience strange illnesses. And so, the Philistines eventually transferred the Ark of God elsewhere.

The Lost Glory of Israel Was No Glory for Philistines

The wife of Phinehas lamented the loss of Israel’s glory. The presence of God no longer dwelled in the Promised Land with the Chosen People. God was the one thing that kept the people united. His presence gave them identity and brought meaning to their lives.

For the Philistines – the glory was in winning the battle. And their glory was evidenced by the Ark of God as a trophy of war. Only, this “trophy” proved to have a power of its own. And soon enough, the Philistines of Ashdod became eager to see the trophy gone and forgotten.

The Opportunity Is To Get Onboard

So you’ve used God. You used Him to feel better about yourself. You used Him to get into a better social circle. And, you used Him to gain respect within the community. You used him to get mercy for your transgressions. And, you used him to help raise your kids.

But you never really cared about Him. You never cared about His project.

Yet God’s project continues unabated. God’s will is done. Even if it sometimes feels like everything depends on you, it doesn’t. You can’t stop this train.

The opportunity is to get onboard – or not.

“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Heb 10:31

August 20, 2018

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