God Gives the Power for Success

2Sam 8:8-9:2

Synopsis     2Sam 8:8-9:2     12/04/2018 

When Israel had defeated the armies of Zobah and Aram, David took golden shields and other plunder from them. He consecrated all the plunder that he took from Zobah and Aram unto the Lord. He did likewise with all the plunder from the other nations that he had conquered. 

Toi was the king of Hamath. He had been at war with Hadadezer also. However, when he heard that King David had completely subdued Zobah, he sent a delegation to King David, with tribute. And David consecrated this money also to the Lord. 

David built up his administration with wise men. Through them he provided for justice and equity in accordance with the law of Moses throughout the nation.  

King David and Consecrated Plunder 

David was successful. He consolidated control over all Israel. After that, he began to expand the rule and authority of Israel to include the full expanse promised to Abraham.  

But he was careful not to forget God. He tithed to remember. He consecrated the spoils of war to God as a way of recognizing that God was the reason for his success.  

God Gives The Power For Success 

It’s been said that the real test of character comes when a person enjoys success. Will I remember who I am, and how I am, when the breaks have gone my way? 

So, if today you have plenty, remember that it’s the God of all Creation who has given you the power to be successful. 

“But when you have eaten and are satisfied, you must bless the LORD, your God, for the good land he has given you.” Deut 8:10

December 4, 2018

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