Ezra Separted

Handwritten page from the book of Ezra chapter 10 verses 6 through 16.
Ezra 10:6-16

Synopsis     Ezra 10:6-16     7/2/2020  

The issue was Israelite exiles intermarrying with the local people after the exile. Many of the returning Isrealites, including  

Ezra left the Temple. And almost immediately he went to Johanan’s house. As a community leader, he repented with fasting because of the Israelite’s apostasy.  

The other leaders agreed with Ezra’s concern about intermarriage. And so, together they called for an assembly of all returning exiles throughout the territory of Judah. The leaders demanded that all the men come to Jerusalem for a solemn assembly. They even threatened anyone who refused with the seizure of their property.  

At the assembly, Ezra and the leaders called upon all the people who had intermarried to separate themselves from the foreigners. Most all the people agreed to this demand. As a result, the people disengaged themselves from the foreigners who lived around them.  

Ezra Separated 

Ezra separated the people from the surrounding nations. And he did this even though the law of Moses made specific provision for the merciful treatment of foreigners. Not only that, but the law even made provision for foreigner adoption into the nation.  

However, he knew that integration couldn’t come at the expense of the essential character of the Authentic Community. He knew that the terms of the Authentic community and covenantal. Therefore, they couldn’t be compromised. Any attempt by the Israelites to live more like the peoples around them would only cause them to no longer be Israelites – no longer part of the authentic community.  

Christian Separation  

Depending on background, the Christian command to separate myself seems a little strange. But like all humans, I live in a synthetic, social contract community. And in this context, separation means that I have chosen to live in accordance with the precepts of the authentic community. I have chosen to love God and love my neighbor regardless of how I fit in with the values of my neighborhood. 

“”Therefore, come forth from them and be separate,” says the Lord, “and touch nothing unclean; then I will receive you and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.’” 2Cor 6:17 

July 6, 2020

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