Li min
  • Educational level:

  • Professional titles: Associate Professor

  • Telephone:0755-26530939

  • Email:

  • Address:Room 442,Huixing Building

Educational level Professional titles Associate Professor
Professional titles 0755-26530939 Email
Address Room 442,Huixing Building Personal Profile
Educational experience Work experience
Research Field The intersection of mathematical methods in image processing, pattern recognition and intelligent computing, mathematics and computer vision Honors obtained
Academic Programs Scientific research 1.Min Li,Yao Zhang,Mingqing Xiao,Weiqiang Zhang,Xiaoli Sun.Unsupervised learning for salient object detection via minimization of bilinear factor matrix norm,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 34460389:1-13,2021.
2.Li Min,Zhang Weiqiang,Xiao Mingqing,Xu Chen.Image decomposition and completion using relative total variation and schatten quasi-norm regularization,Neurocomputing,458: 639-654,2021.
3.Min Li,Yao Zhang,Mingqing Xiao,Chen Xu,Weiqiang Zhang.On Schatten-q quasinorm induced matrix decomposition model for salient object detection,Pattern Recognition,96: 1-12,2019.
4.Xu Chen,LI Min,Zhang Weiqiang,Sun Xiaoli,Song Yimei. Post-wavelet and variational theory and its application in image restoration, Science Press, 2013.

Personal Profile

Li Li Min, Shanxi native, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, member of Chinese Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, member of Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society. He is currently an associate professor and master's tutor at the School of Mathematics and statistics of Shenzhen University. He has long been engaged in the research of mathematical methods, pattern recognition and intelligent computing, the intersection of mathematics and computer vision in image processing. He presided over 3 projects of National Natural Science Fund and 5 projects of provinces and cities. He has published more than 30 academic papers, 2 monographs and 3 applications for software copyright in important domestic and foreign journals. He has been a long-term reviewer of high-level journals and academic conferences at home and abroad, such as Neurocomputing, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Pattern Recognition, IEEE Access, Chinese Journal of Electronics, etc. . Post-doctoral and full-time research staff recruitment notice for the mathematics and information technology cross-team /info/1053/3178.htm

Educational experience

Work experience

Research Field

  • The intersection of mathematical methods in image processing, pattern recognition and intelligent computing, mathematics and computer vision

Honors obtained

Academic Programs

Scientific research

  • 1.Min Li,Yao Zhang,Mingqing Xiao,Weiqiang Zhang,Xiaoli Sun.Unsupervised learning for salient object detection via minimization of bilinear factor matrix norm,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 34460389:1-13,2021. 2.Li Min,Zhang Weiqiang,Xiao Mingqing,Xu Chen.Image decomposition and completion using relative total variation and schatten quasi-norm regularization,Neurocomputing,458: 639-654,2021. 3.Min Li,Yao Zhang,Mingqing Xiao,Chen Xu,Weiqiang Zhang.On Schatten-q quasinorm induced matrix decomposition model for salient object detection,Pattern Recognition,96: 1-12,2019. 4.Xu Chen,LI Min,Zhang Weiqiang,Sun Xiaoli,Song Yimei. Post-wavelet and variational theory and its application in image restoration, Science Press, 2013.