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School of Mathematical Sciences successfully held the 29th Liyuan Distinguished Scholar and Innovation Pilot Lecture

Time:2024-09-12 17:13

On September 6, 2024, the 29th Liyuan Distinguished Scholar and Innovation Pilot Lecture of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Shenzhen University was held at H4-201, Huiwen Building, Guangdong Campus. Professor Zhou Xiangyu , Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Academician of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, visited the School and brought a wonderful lecture to teachers and students with the theme of "Ancient Chinese Mathematical Thought and Achievements", which attracted many students and enthusiasts to listen.


Academician Zhou Xiangyu 's lecture took the brilliant achievements of ancient Chinese mathematics as a clue, and expounded the unique charm and far-reaching influence of ancient mathematical thought in simple terms. He started with the basic concepts and principles of ancient mathematics, and gradually deepened into the application and development of mathematics in solving practical problems. Through vivid cases and detailed historical materials, Academician Zhou led the teachers and students to appreciate the wisdom and talent of ancient mathematicians, and felt the close connection between mathematics and ancient culture, philosophy, art and other fields.


In the lecture, Academician Zhou Xiangyu particularly emphasized the major achievements of ancient Chinese mathematics in the fields of number theory, geometry, and algebra. He introduced in detail the ideas and methods in ancient mathematical classics such as the Sutra of Arithmetic and the Nine Chapters of Arithmetic, and analyzed the influence of these ideas on the development of mathematics in later generations. At the same time, he also mentioned the outstanding contributions of ancient mathematicians such as Liu Hui and Zu Chongzhi, as well as their rigorous attitude and innovative spirit in mathematical research.


Academician Zhou Xiangyu's lecture not only gave teachers and students a more comprehensive understanding and understanding of ancient Chinese mathematics, but also stimulated their strong interest in mathematical research. He encouraged everyone to inherit and carry forward the excellent tradition of ancient mathematicians, have the courage to explore unknown areas, and constantly promote the prosperity and development of mathematics. Academician Zhou Xiangyu also interacted with the students. He patiently answered the questions raised by the students, and encouraged everyone to cherish their university time, work hard to learn professional knowledge, and constantly improve their comprehensive quality and ability level.


After the lecture, Professor Wang Yuefei, Honorary Dean, and Dean presented the commemorative plaque of the lecture to Academician Zhou Xiangyu. The successful holding of this lecture not only provided a valuable learning opportunity and communication platform for teachers and students of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Shenzhen University, but also further promoted the essence and charm of ancient Chinese mathematical culture. I believe that under the guidance of Academician Zhou Xiangyu and other outstanding scholars, the students of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Shenzhen University will be able to achieve more excellent results and contributions in their future study and scientific research.