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College of Mathematics and Statistics 2023 Graduation and Degree Conferral Ceremony

Time:2023-07-03 23:54

On the morning of June 30, 2023, the 2023 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferment Ceremony of the School of Mathematics and Statistics of SZU was held at Yuanping Gymnasium, Yuehai Campus of SZU, with 287 graduates, their parents, relatives and friends attending this graduation ceremony. Wang Yu, Dean and Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Mathematics and Statistics of SZU, Lu Jian, Vice Dean, Ye Xing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Han Yu, Vice Dean, Zhao Yi, Vice Dean, Prof. Chen Zhibing, Prof. Chen Zhimin, and other faculty members, alumni representative of the Class of '96 Mathematics Education alumni, Chen Haiping, Secretary of Houhai Primary School of the Affiliated Educational Group of SZU, and the principal, the teachers of the graduating class, the graduate student supervisors, and the guidance counsellors attended this ceremony, and jointly witness the important moment of the 2023 graduates. The graduation ceremony was hosted by Ye Xing.

Graduation Ceremony Site

President of the speech entitled "let the ordinary road to walk extraordinary" on the graduation of the students expressed the warmest congratulations and deepest blessings. He said that although we were born in the ordinary, however, life is not only those dazzling brilliance and excitement, but also more of those simple, trivial, ordinary, and even suffering, acceptance of the ordinary, but also the inner calmness and calmness, certainty and far-reaching. Graduation is a new starting point for students, but also a new opportunity, I hope that students can show the excellent quality and passion of SZU math people, can contribute their strength and talent for the happiness of the family, the construction of hometowns and the prosperity of the motherland, firmly believe that the ordinary ember will eventually be gathered into a torch,the soil never stops,the mountain can be built up.

Message from the President

Alumni representative Chen Haiping, Class 96 Mathematics Education major, shared his campus story with the graduates. He mentioned that although he had left the SZU campus for more than 20 years, he had a deep love for Liyuan and often recalled the little scenes of campus learning and life. He expressed his best wishes to the graduates, hoping that students have a bright future, a colorful and brilliant future, hand picking the stars, but also wishing everyone in the future of life to do their best, know their destiny, the heart has to be guarded, the action has to be stopped, to adhere to the bottom line does not mess up the action, bold and powerful, vigorous, teach the sun and moon for a new day.

Speech by Chen Haiping

Prof. Hu Yaohua, the representative of the faculty, expressed his blessings to the graduates. He expressed his hope that the graduates would abide by the school motto of "self-reliance, self-discipline and self-improvement", be down-to-earth and enterprising, and work hard in their positions and sharpen their swords for ten years. Not forgetting the beginning, casting the sword with math, waving the sword with faith, and charging with will. We will strive to become the pillars of the country.

Speech by Hu Yaohua

On behalf of all the graduate students of this graduation, Lin Junfeng, representative of graduate students of the Class of 2023, majoring in statistics, expressed his gratitude and reluctance to the college, and expressed his blessings to the fellow students who struggled together and hoped that they would grasp the present moment and live each day in a practical way.

Graduate student representative Lin Junfeng spoke

On behalf of all the graduating undergraduates, Luo Ziming, the representative of the 2023 Information and Computing Science major, expressed his gratitude to the faculty, parents and friends, and said that no matter where he goes in the future, he hoped that he would remember his alma mater's motto of "Self-support, Self-discipline, and Self-improvement", and find his own new position on the star map of life. No matter what position you work in, you should keep your feet on the ground and continue to enrich your resume.

Speech by Luo Ziming, representative of undergraduate graduates

Afterwards, Vice Dean Han Yu read out the "Decision of the School of Mathematics and Statistics on the Commendation of Outstanding Thesis of Graduate Students in the Class of 2023", "Decision of the School of Mathematics and Statistics on the Commendation of Outstanding Graduate Students and Outstanding Undergraduate Graduates in the Class of 2023", and "Decision of the School of Mathematics and Statistics on the Commendation of Outstanding Undergraduate Class President in the Class of 2023". Secretary Wang Yu, Deputy Secretary Ye Xing, and Professor Chen Zhibing presented certificates to all the winners.

Outstanding Recognition

The head of the College Degree Evaluation Sub-committee and the Dean of the College rasped and conferred degrees on the graduates one by one.


The graduation ceremony came to an end in the chorus of teachers and students, and the moving rhymes expressed the students' reluctance to part with their alma mater, classmates, teachers and teachers and their deep attachment, and demonstrated their persistence to their dreams and their longing for the future.

chorus of students and teachers