
Num 1:32-43

Num 1:31-43         10/9/2017

The man Joseph has now become 72,700 men capable of military service.  It took 400 years.

What will the impact of your life be in 400 years?

Right, I get it. It’s kind of an unfair question. There’s so much you don’t have control of – you will never have control of.

On the other hand, your life undeniably has impact. Whether you perceive it or not, in 400 years there are human beings who will exist, or not exist; who will share identity; who will affect their community, because of decisions that you are making today.

Telos. The idea of something satisfying its purpose.

A part of your purpose is bound in what comes after you; fostering and engendering what comes after you. Creating the space and possibility of what wants to come after you.

Perhaps it is right to say that you can’t live today worried about the impact of your decisions on people four centuries into the future.

Still, you have to admit, there’s a nagging legitimacy to asking the question.

What if you have far more power than you think?

I don’t want this to be a burden but you have to know something:

You have far more power than you think.

October 9, 2017

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