David’s Praise

Synopsis     1Chron 15:14-26     1/1/2020

King David directed the ark of the Covenant to be brought to Jerusalem. Because of the past failure, he commissioned the Levites to orchestrate the effort.

The king also assembled the leaders of the tribes of Israel to participate in relocating the ark. And so, the Levites performed various joyous hymns and musical songs as the priests processed with the ark. So, King David and all the leaders of Israel participated in the procession.

David’s Praise

King David directed the Levites to bring the ark to Jerusalem. And he commanded them to make a loud, joyful noise as they processed with the ark.

So, they did.

Praise Is Ministry

I suspect most every human being has had the experience of spontaneously rejoicing about something.

But, as I reflect on David’s life, I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever actually shouted praise. Have I ever instinctively raised my voice to it’s very utmost to celebrate the goodness of God?

Perhaps now is the time.

“…Shout joyfully to the LORD, all you lands; serve the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful song.” Psalm 100:1-2

January 2, 2020

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