David’s Personal Enemies

Handwritten page from the book of Psalms chapter 17 verse 1 through chapter 18 verse 8
Psalms 17:1-18:8

Synopsis     Psalms 17:1-18:8     8/30/2021 

In this portion, a prayer for rescue is followed by rejoicing. 

Over the years, King David made many enemies. At various times over the course of his life, these men pursued him. At such times, David cried out to God for protection. Specifically, he prayed for God’s help. And he reminded God that evildoers were also His enemies.  

In the next psalm, David rejoiced at God’s victory. He praised God’s might. And he blessed God by celebrating God’s many, excellent virtues. 

David’s Personal Enemies 

God’s favor rested on David. As a result, he knew great success. But his great success induced envy and jealousy in others. This was true for King Saul, who ruled Israel before David, but it was also true of many other rulers in the region. And, it was even true of members of David’s own family.  

And their envy caused them to act like enemies.  

Personal Enemies 

Because of original sin and concupiscence, one person’s success usually generates envy in other people. Sometimes this shows up as adversarial behavior. But more often it shows up as a passive aggressive “frenemy”.  

If you’re following God, and your walk is producing an effect in your life, then don’t be surprised if someone takes notice. You might even find that you develop and occasional enemy. 

So, what should I do if this happens? Well, fortunately, God’s made provision. God’s command is to love my enemies. So, even the envy that causes someone to feel enmity toward me, ought to bring a response in love. And, His plan is that would bring reconciliation and another soul headed for heaven.  

So, let’s love our enemies. And like a great philosophical thinker once said, “Make heaven crowded”.  

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you” Matt 5:44 

August 30, 2021

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