Christian Didn’t Know Why He Was Saved

1Sam 9:21-10:1

Synopsis     1Sam 9:21-10:1     8/30/2018

Saul came to town to ask Samuel where to find his missing donkeys. But to Saul’s surprise, Samuel invited him to a feast.

Saul felt confused. He was not from an elite family. And he came from a tribe that had nearly been wiped out in a civil war. He felt sure that Samuel had mistaken him for someone else.

But it was no mistake. So, Saul went to the feast. And though there were thirty other guests, Samuel served him the choicest portion. After the feast, Samuel provided lodging for Saul. And so, Saul spent the night.

The next morning, Samuel woke Saul and sent him away. As they exited the city gate together, Samuel took oil and anointed Saul. This act made Saul the first king over all of Israel.

Saul Didn’t Know He Was King

That’s ironic. Saul didn’t realize he had been singled out to be king. He had no clue. And he didn’t perceive himself as a candidate to become king. He was just minding his own business. He was looking for his donkeys. And suddenly all of this just fell on him.

Christian Didn’t Know Why He Was Saved

How about you? Do you realize all that God has in mind for you?

But as it is written: “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him,” 1Cor 2:9

August 31, 2018

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