Called by Name

Ex 30:29-31:5

Ex 30:29-31:5

Bezalel was called by name. Someone with extraordinary skills in the manufacturing of all sorts of quality goods. He was called to lead the construction effort of the tent of meeting.

Bezalel had the freedom to serve in this extraordinary way. Not every Israelite was similarly called. But be careful on your interpretation. He was imbued with special gifts, to be sure. But he had to have entered into this. Nothing about the divine spirit of skill was against his will. Bezalel worked to make these skills and wisdom real and actual in his life.

When you recognize that you have a gift, invest in it. God has given you something – He has built that gift into your very being. Use this as the path toward achieving your full potential.

Find your ultimate freedom in service. Do it today.

June 5, 2017

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