Blistering Sores

Ex 9:6-16

I am a giant in the absence of giants. But when exposed to real power, the existential problem always seems to show up. Will I survive?

I feel this when at the zoo and a tiger stalks my smallest child through a thick plate of glass. If the glass were to break – my power is limited.

Not surprising, I prefer to be around others whose power is also limited. There is a kind of balance in this.

But who could stand in the day of the Lord? In my own strength, I would cower with craven fear. It would be too much. It would overwhelm.

Boils and all plagues. This was never a contest, it was a demonstration of power designed to reorient thinking.  This morning I’m reminded that it is an extraordinary mercy that the Lord God demonstrates His power incrementally.

One day at a time Lord Jesus.

March 21, 2017

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