Appropriate Worship

Deuteronomy 16:17-17:4

Synopsis     Deuteronomy 16:17-17:4     2/24/2018

Moses directed the Israelites to assign judges for their communities. The judges were to administer justice. These judges were to pursue justice alone and were specifically warned against taking bribes or otherwise perverting justice.

Moses warned the people about keeping their sacrifices pure. They were to never sacrifice a defective animal. They were never to erect or worship Asherah poles or other symbols of idolatry.

Appropriate Worship

It is not fitting that the things of heavens should bow down to the things of the earth.

Made in the image of God, when I bow down to created things, I invert the true order of value. It’s like I’m trying to force the Creator to bow down to the creation. It’s an injustice. It’s a denial of the truth.

If I force the issue, the effort is likely to produce some sparks.

“God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.” John 4:24 

February 24, 2018

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