Abimelech & Treaty – Esau’s Local Brides

Gen 26:23-35

Gen 26:23-35

Settling into the land but not assimilating. A precarious place. Like a monastery surrounded by casinos, Isaac must remain in the land of promise in order to enter into the promise. At the same time, he must remain distinct from a culture opposed to God.

Esau’s local brides threaten everything. With them, the casino has gotten inside the walls and threatens to destroy the distinction, the identity. The promise can’t assimilate without becoming meaningless.

You are in this world but not of it. The world longs to come to God – but on its own terms. And, for the sake of a world longing, this could not be borne.  God is love. Perfect love casts out fear.

What you represent will overcome what has always been.

October 23, 2016

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